Report-back from Zombie-Related Voter Mobilization | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Report-back from Zombie-Related Voter Mobilization


This weekend, KFTC members in Lexington, Georgetown, Whitesburg, and Covington used the opportunity of Halloween and various zombie-related community events to talk to people about voting in Tuesday's election.

In all, we passed out an incredible 1,500 handbills urging people to "not be a zombie" on election day - to learn about the candidates and to go vote. 

Lexington's event was the largest.  We ran through a thousand handbills and had 11 volunteers, including three zombies. 

In Northern KY, volunteers for KFTC helped do the make-up of many of the zombies, taking care to make them as gruesome and unique as possible.  They made $50 in tips that are going into chapter fundraising. 

"We passed out our (300) handbills in Georgetown and still had people coming up to us asking if we had more.  It was great - and people loved it."                                   - Homer White, Georgetown


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