| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Scott County Organizing Update


Late last week, we had a productive Scott County KFTC meeting.  Usually, meeting attendance drops off a bit in the summer, but we had a strong turnout, several new people, and got a surprising amount of work done on a number of key issues.

Voting Rights - We proposed the next statewide Voting Rights Campaign meeting in Scott County for Sunday, August 28th starting at 3pm.  The plan is to have several hours of action-focused statewide planning followed by some field work in Scott County spearheaded by the local NAACP and KFTC chapters.

Membership Recruitment and Fundraising - In addition to Rosanne Fitts Klarer and Tim Klarer's Houseparty scheduled for later this year, we're scheduling a houseparty/ ice cream social on the afternoon of Saturday, August 20th called "I-Scream For Social Justice."  It's a joint houseparty hosted by Homer White, Marylou White, Mat Doolin, Heather Drake, and Filly Tierney.  Several members also made solid pledges to try to recruit one or two new KFTC members between now and the next chapter meeting.

New Power Leaders - We scheduled a series of 1:1 meetings with our New Power Leaders to talk strategy and develop list for our innovative two-way communication model.  

Curbside Recycling - Perhaps most exciting of all, we had a few breakthroughs in our curbside recycling organizing, deciding to circulate a petition at community events and at the recycling processing center.  We've scheduled our first shifts at the recycling center on Saturday July 16th and Saturday July 23rd, each 9am to noon.  Expect more information about this in another blog entry in a couple of days. 

Members are also coming out to upcoming statewide events like Fancy Farm on August 6th and  KFTC's 30th Anniversary celebration on August 27th.  


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