| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Scott County Update

gIMG_2552KFTC Members in Scott County have continued to do great local work late last year and for these first few weeks of 2013.

Late last year, we had a great Arty Pie Party fundraiser hosted by Rosanne Fitts Klarer and Tim Klarer that brought out over 70 people and brought in over $2,000 in grassroots fundraising work – in addition to just being a lot of fun. 

We’ve also gotten involved in a campaign led by Georgetown College students and faculty to adopt a nondiscrimination policy with regards to sexual orientation.  Despite a strong and thoughtful recommendation from the faculty, the Board of Trustees has declined to adopt the policy and KFTC members are helping people at the college to develop a strategic analysis of the campaign and plan next steps.

550912_10152275748365052_671251876_nOf course, we’re also continuing our campaign for curbside recycling and are gearing up to do a lot of great citizen lobbying in Frankfort and are looking forward to another great year. 

Thursday, Jan 17th, 7pm - Scott KFTC Grassroots Lobbying  Training.  Ensor Learning Resource Center, Room 150, Georgetown College.

Jan 19th - NAACP Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Breakfast at the Thomas & King Leadership & Conference Center (100 Crawford Drive, Georgetown).  Time: 9am-11am.  Tickets are $15  Byron Moran 859-338-9897   John Douglas 502-863-1536.

Jan 21st - MLK 4pm March.  Program at 5pm.  Chambers Ave Baptist.  Georgetown.

Jan 22nd - Georgetown College Power Analysis on sexual orientation non-discrimination policy.  7pm to 9pm Ensor Learning Resource Center, Room 150, Georgetown College.

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