| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Senate defeats Rand Paul effort to gut food stamp program

Last Wednesday the U.S. Senate rejected an attempt by Kentucky Senator Rand Paul to gut the food stamp program. The vote was 65 to 33 to table what was called the Rand Paul Block Grant amendment.

Sen. Paul's amendment was to the Agriculture Reform, Food and Jobs Act of 2012 (S. 3240, or the Farm Bill). It would have cut program funding by 45% next year, and permanently frozen future funding with no adjustment for increases in food prices or poverty, according to the Presbyterian Office of Public Witness.

The federal program, now known as SNAP - Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - provides a national nutrition safety net for about 45 million people in the U.S. In Kentucky, the program pumps more than $105 million every month into local economies, with every $5 in benefits generating as much as $9 in total economic activity.

Where Kentucky food stamp
households are located
1st Congressional district - 16.7%
2nd Congressional district - 15.3%
3rd Congressional district - 13.3%
4th Congressional district - 13.5%
5th Congressional district - 26.7%
6th Congressional district - 14.6%

Based on 2006-2008 averages

More than 800,000 Kentuckians benefit from the program. Children or elderly are present in 92% of those households, and more than 70% include one or more people who are employed.

There are more amendments to the Farm Bill still being considered by the Senate, including one by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) to restore $4.5 billion in SNAP cuts made by a Senate committee, increase funding for the fresh fruit and vegetable program, and pay for these through cuts to crop insurance.

"They pay salaries for grocery clerks, truckers who haul the food," said Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY). "The (United States Department of Agriculture) estimates that 16 cents go right back to the farmer."

Go to the Presbyterian Office of Public Witness action page for more information.

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