Senator Thayer Op Ed on Voting Rights | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Senator Thayer Op Ed on Voting Rights

This weekend, Senator Damon Thayer published an op-ed in the Georgetown News-Graphic defending the current process by which former felons can request voting rights back through a pardon from the Governor.  

Senator Thayer currently opposes a proposed Constitutional Amendment which would bring Kentucky more in line with other states by restoring voting rights to former felons after they've served their debt to society.  He is an especially important voice in this issue because he is the Chair of the State and Local Government Committee. 

It's an especially bizarre attack on the bill - citing inequality in the proposed legislation which would automatically restore voting rights to most former felons after they've served their debt to society, while people convicted of more serious crimes would still have to get a pardon from the Governor to be allowed to vote again. 

On multiple occasions, Senator Thayer himself cited this very property of the bill to be a good reason to support it and indicated that further exclusions might be an improvement. 

Please take a moment to speak out in favor of restoring voting rights to former felons who have served their time - in response to Senator Thayer's Op-ed.

- Comment online on the Georgetown News-Graphic Story

- Write a Letter To The Editor in Response

- Respond to Senator Thayer as he requested at 800-372-7181 or [email protected]

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