| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Shelby County KFTC members help Light Up Shelbyville!

There's nothing like free sweets and warm drinks on a cool day to draw the crowd to your table.

Shelby KFTC and Fairness Shelbyville offered cookies, brownies, cupcakes and hot cider at Light Up Shelbyville October 10.  Refreshments gave us a chance to invite people to our monthly meeting; offer brochures and flyers about Kynect, reforming Shelby Energy, fighting the Bluegrass Pipeline and passing a Fairness Ordinance, and promote our Nov. 21 Chili Supper fundraiser.

Light Up ShelbvyilleWe introduced ourselves to a lot of people who did not know about us, distributed dozens of Kynect tote bags with flyers on signing up for insurance and gave membership and meeting information to a number of people who expressed interest in joining KFTC.

It was our most successful tabling event to date, and we are looking forward to making the next one even better.

Members Ann Ellerkamp, Jane Thomas, Leslie McBride and Lisa Aug provided refreshments, and Patrick King, Cynthia Dare and Chris Hartman provided materials and support.

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