| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Show support for Kentucky's immigrants this week.

Kentucky's immigrant communities help make our Commonwealth more just and democratic, and help build an economy that works for all of us. When our immigrant neighbors are taken from their homes, and families are torn apart, they deserve our protection and support. 

Over the last week Kentucky families have been ripped apart by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids in Madison County--the latest of many large-scale ICE raids across the Commonwealth. Here's the story, from one of our Madison County members:

"On April 24, Tuesday, there was a raid in Richmond, 12 miles from Berea, at a Mexican restaurant - and a couple people were arrested (I'm not sure of the exact number).  Afterward, ICE drove around Berea in their white vans but no one was arrested or detained.

Berea is a small, white, conservative rural town with a college. There are a number of organizations that have been working to defend undocumented people, especially DACA.  There are 2 student groups at the College: the Latin American Student Association (LASA) and F.E.E., students For Equal Education. There is also a staff-faculty ally group, One Blood (from the College motto, "God has made of one blood all peoples of the Earth.")."
These Madison County organizations, along with other organizations across the state, are working to offer and coordinate support. A DACA student at Eastern Kentucky University has helped set up a bail fund with the support of the Kentucky Dream Coalition. Follow this link if you'd like to contribute. Then, get in touch with your local organizers and the organizations listed below to see what your region is doing to support immigrant and refugee communities.

We know many Kentucky families and networks are hurting. It’s not right. It is important that we all stand together as Kentuckians.

Take Action 

  1. Contribute to bail fund supported by the Kentucky Dream Coalition.

  2. Support organizations that support Kentucky's immigrant communities. In Madison County, the Latin American Student Association at Berea College, and Students for Equal Education at Berea College. Across the state, Mijente, Farm Labor Organizing Committee of the AFL-CIO, Kentucky Dream Coalition.

  3. The DREAM Act gives immigrant young people the opportunity to make us all better. We need to pass it and keep families together, because young people can’t thrive if we destroy their communities. Contact U.S. Senators Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul, and your representative. Tell them: “I’m a Kentuckian asking you to protect the lives of children we love by passing the DREAM Act and comprehensive immigration reform that offers paths to citizenship.”

Thank you!