| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Showing Up For Racial Justice

As our vision statement tells us, KFTC is “working for a day when Kentuckians – and all people – enjoy a better quality of life.” And for a day “when discrimination is wiped out of our laws, habits, and hearts.” Getting there requires that we commit to standing up against racism and oppression and encourage and equip our members to do the same.

With that in mind, we invite KFTC members and allies to participate in an upcoming conference call with SURJ—Showing Up for Racial Justice.

KFTC is an affiliate of SURJ, a national network of groups and individuals organizing white people for racial justice. Through community organizing, mobilizing, and education, SURJ moves white people to act as part of a multi-racial majority for justice with passion and accountability. You can learn more about SURJ here.

On Tuesday, May 26th, SURJ is hosting a national conference call titled “SURJ Basebuilding: Rural and Small Town Organizing”.

Co-facilitated by KFTC leader Meta Mendel-Reyes, this national call will explore lessons, challenges, strategies and tools for rural organizing on racial justice.

After the SURJ call, we invite you to hang tight and join us for a Kentucky debrief. We’ll hang up at the conclusion of the SURJ call and dial into a KY conference call number for a quick conversation about what we learned and how we can put it to work here in Kentucky!

Here’s all the information you need to participate:


SURJ Call on Organizing for Racial Justice in Rural Communities Followed by a KY Debrief


Tuesday, May 26th


SURJ call begins at 8 pm eastern time and runs for 90 minutes. KY debrief will immediately follow (and last 20-30 minutes)

To register:

Click here to register for the SURJ call

KY Debrief: For the KY debrief, immediately after the SURJ call concludes, hang up and dial:


Enter Passcode: 92447268#

Hope you’re able to join the call!

(PS: You might want to go ahead and mark your calendar for the next SURJ national call which is scheduled for Tuesday, June 23rd and focuses on “what does it mean to organize from a place of mutual interest”. Stay tuned for more information on that call.)