Sign a letter to Rep. Rahall supporting mine safety | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Sign a letter to Rep. Rahall supporting mine safety

Our friends at are collecting signatures for a letter to West Virginia Congressman Nick Rahall to show support for his strong stance on mine safety. Lorelei Scarbro, whose husband died of black lung and who has relatives working at Upper Big Branch Mine, will hand-deliver the letter to Congressman Rahall.

Here's an excerpt from the letter:

Our nation's miners, who courageously go to work each day knowing that they are putting their lives in danger, deserve the strongest protections the law can provide. ...

As hearings and legislation to strengthen mine safety laws move forward in Congress, we will stand behind your efforts to protect miners and hold irresponsible mining companies accountable. We furthermore urge you to take a broad view in providing safety and security for everyone in the communities where coal is mined.

To read more about this effort and sign on to the letter, click here.


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