Singing For Democracy Six, a Success | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Singing For Democracy Six, a Success


Tonight in Lexington, we had our sixth Singing For Democracy Gospel Fest in less than a year. 

These events have focused on raising awareness of our campaign to restore voting rights to former felons who have served their debt to society by bringing together churches and other organizations.

This one also had a strong voter mobilization message - calling on everyone who does have the right to vote to use that right - and calling on everyone to mobilize as many people as they can to get out and vote on Tuesday.

The performances and speakers were just incredible - with a wide range of music and dance, choirs, solos, powerful speeches, and personal stories. 

About 140 people attended the event, and many committed to call friends and neighbors to ask them to vote.  A few also volunteered to come to the last of KFTC's voter mobilization phonebanks. 

Thanks to Van Berry, Tayna Fogle, Pastor Joseph Owens, Mike Barry, Bettina Wright, Candi, Antioch Baptist Children's Choir, Julia Johnson, Total Grace, Anointing In Motion, Voices Of Bethesda, and Pastor Rodney Mason for performing and/or otherwise helping to make the event a success!

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