Single Payer Supporters Rally in D.C. | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Single Payer Supporters Rally in D.C.

single payer rally in louisville

On the 44th anniversary of Medicare, and hours after the Blue Dog Democrats weakened the "public option" included in the House health reform plan, single payer activists are rallying in Washington.

More than fifty Kentuckians are participating in the rally and lobby day, which are being billed as "Medicare: Made in America" to celebrate the success story of Medicare, and to urge a single-payer, "medicare for all" health care system. 

Neither the Obama plan nor the House health reform plan are single payer systems.  Both maintain the private insurance-based systems--a point of major contention for single-payer advoates, who point out that private insurance companies soak up a disproportionate amount of resources, and a plan that maintains them will be expensive and will perpetuate disparities in access. 

Until yesterday evening, both plans included a "public option"--a government plan that would be open to anyone.  KFTC members were suspect of the reach of this public option.  Janet Tucker, who has organized around single-payer with our ally organization, Kentuckians For Single Payer Healthcare, said,

"Any public option should offer the same quality of care that Congress gets; should be afforable; should be open to everyone, including immigrants; and should address the racial disparities in health care.  Anything short of that is a fraud."

Now, on the anniversary of Medicare, it seems as if even the public option is becoming dilute to the point of nonexistence. 

The Kentucky Single-Payer delegation will be presenting Senator McConnell, who is leading the Senate's charge against any meaningful health reforms, with a petition singed by 7,000 Kentuckians who support of single-payer.

To echo their message, contact Sen. McConnell.  Tell him to stop denying our right to health care for all.

Phone: (202) 224-2541
Fax: (202) 224-2499

Resources to stay on top of the health care debates:

Physicians For A National Health Program -- articles, resources, and check out their blog, which has up-to-date entries that critique the House ad Senate plans.  The treatment of the "public option" posted on July 28 is especially interesting, detailing the shifting meaning of the public option.

Kentuckians For Single Payer Healthcare -- Kentucky's affiliate of PNHP.  Stay informed of state and local events to support single payer.

The Kaiser Family Foundation has a helpful tool that generates side-by-side comparisons of all the health care reform options, from single payer to the Senate plan.  Check the "last updated" line...These bills are changing fast.

The Economic Policy Institute has several articles about paying for reforming health care, and the costs of not reforming health care. 

Also, Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D, OH) has proposed an amendment that passed, and so far has stuck, that would allow states to adopt their own single-payer systems.  Healthcare for America Now has an explanation of Kucinich's amendment and what it means for single-payer.

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