Statewide Voter Empowerment Training in Progress | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Statewide Voter Empowerment Training in Progress


   We're one-night into our statewide Voter Empowerment Training in Louisville along with our allies at Jobs with Justice.  It's been an energetic night with lots of powerful stories and people from all across the state coming together to organize and to create real people-driven Democracy in our Commonwealth, organizing county-by-county, community-by-community, and neighbor to neighbor.

   We'll have a full report-back with pictures soon, but here are some quotes from the first night.

One of the greatest things about this is all of the grassroots groups coming together.  It's unprecedented in ways and it's happening all across the country.  I look forward to what we'll be able to accomplish together.  - Russell Oliver

How many people in this room really know their neighbor?...  And how many of you know whether or not your neighbor voted last year?  At the end of this election cycle,  we need to know - we need to ask them and really engage our communities. - Darnell Johnson

It's time to invest back in your community and make a change.  We can do it if we work together! - Tayna Fogle

When you talk to people, they tell you they want to make a change in their world - and they really do.  They just need the tools to do and we can give them that! - Janet Tucker

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