Survey: Education Justice in Kentucky | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Survey: Education Justice in Kentucky

To have a healthy democracy, we need honest education.

Kentuckians for the Commonwealth believes that all families deserve opportunities to thrive, learn, engage and have pathways to a brighter future and that healthier public schools equal healthier communities.  In partnership with H.E.A.L. Together, we want to elevate the voices of students, their families and educators to truly understand the major challenges, concerns and priorities that they have for their schools and create change in our community. We hope you can take a few minutes to fill out this survey to help ensure your voice and needs are heard.

H.E.A.L. Together, an initiative at Race Forward, is building a movement of students, educators, and parents in school districts across the United States who believe that an honest, accurate and fully funded public education is the foundation for a just, multiracial democracy.

Together, KFTC + H.E.A.L. are conducting a 20-question survey to identify priorities that we can address as a community. We invite students, families, educators, leaders and supporters to lift their voices, their stories - to help shape what WE believe are the challenges that WE need to prioritize at the appropriate level of decision-making. In order to have a healthy democracy, WE have to SPEAK OUT.

This survey is designed specifically for Kentucky.

Please Note: All survey answers will be kept confidential. Your contact information will only be used to share information about the results and the campaign.  Direct quotes may be highlighted in a report that will be published for further action and policy advocacy. 


For questions about this survey, our partners, or for more information about Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, please visit For more information about H.E.A.L. Together please visit: