Talking about Mountaintop Removal at the So Sweet Fair | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Talking about Mountaintop Removal at the So Sweet Fair


On February 11th KFTC joined with a variety of organizations from the Louisville area for the So Sweet (Solving Our Sustainable World's Environmental and Economic Troubles) Fair, organized by Assumption High School.

This fair gave KFTC an opportunity to speak to 900 students from all over Jefferson Coutny and promote our I Love Mountains Day rally.  Because most of the students have class on Thursday, when we will all be in Frankfort, students made their voices heard by signing a petition and decorating a squares for the banner project designed by KFTC member Whit Forrester.


For over a week Whit has been taking second-hand sheets and tearing them into squares. As we have been tabling, Whit has been successful in getting people interested in stopping Mountaintop Removal to draw on these squares. By now the line of squares (that are sewn to resemble a laundry line) totals about 80 feet. The idea has spread throughout the region and people from other areas are making squares in their town and sending them to Whit to be added to the line. If you are interested in contributing to the project write Whit Forrester at [email protected].

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