Tax and budget bill is signed into law | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Tax and budget bill is signed into law

HB 144, which raises the cigarette tax .30 and adds a retail sales tax to alcohol, passed the Senate and was signed into law earlier today.  It's expected to generate about $52 million between April 1 and July 1, and nearly $159 million in 2009-10.

Dana Beasley Brown, the Steering Committee representative for the Bowling Green Chapter, is disappointed that the legislature didn't take this opportunity to pass broader reforms:  "I heard the Governor talking yesterday about the budget, and how it wasn't a perfect solution, but a reasonable solution.  I found that excuse empty.  This isn't a solution.  It doesn't support the state programs and services that we need, and it's not making the tax system fairer.  This plan says a lot about their faith in Kentucky.  They don't know how we can pull together in hard times to make sure that we meet our most basic needs."

Dana, like many other KFTC members, allies, and legislators, is looking toward next year for the long-needed overhaul to our tax system.  "Rep. Wayne has this tremendous revenue and tax fairness legislation that gains a little more momentum and validation every year.  We went from having hearings, to having it as a centerpiece of the House budget negitiations last year, to this year having peices of it gain bipartisan support.  So this year is just a start."

You can read more about the bill in this C-J article.


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