Time history of atmospheric carbon dioxide | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Time history of atmospheric carbon dioxide

A video released by the Earth System Research Laboratory, brought to our attention by Jim Bruggers and his Watchdog Earth blog, offers a visual depiction of the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide from 800,000 years ago to 2011.

This video illustrates the alarming trend in carbon dioxide emissions in the recent past. In pre-industrial society, our atmospheric CO2 was about 278 parts per million (ppm). But from 1979 to 2011 alone, carbon dioxide has gone from 336 to 391 ppm. Since the video was produced, CO2 levels have continued to climb and are now near 400 ppm on average worldwide, and have exceeded that level in the Arctic region.

Our current levels of CO2, as well as the general upward trend of CO2 levels, is particularly troubling when considering the safety limit for atmospheric CO2 is 350 ppm.

View the time history of atmospheric carbon dioxide in the video below, and visit the Earth System Research Laboratory website to learn more.

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