Today is the CLEAN White House Call-In Day | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Today is the CLEAN White House Call-In Day

 UPDATE;  Apparently the White House switchboard is having some major technical difficulties today.  Here is a message from CLEAN's organizer Carrie...

So here's the situation: The White House is having some serious "technical difficulties" -- their switchboard and comment system appear to be down indefinitely-- so we have suspended today's call and have been forced to reschedule our Call the White House action. I know this is frustrating, since we all have put in so much work on this, but unfortunately we have to wait for them to correct it. We can't thank you enough for everything you've done, and continue to do!

There is a place for email comments at if you  are really itching to do something today, but we will be rescheduling the action.



Today thousands of concerned citizens across the U.S. will take action by calling the White House and asking President Obama to give immediate priority to his promise of fighting global warming and creating a clean energy future. Will you join us in doing so?

We will ask him to support and invest in renewable energy such as wind, solar and geothermal and create true incentives for energy efficiency — starting with the current economic stimulus plan now before Congress. We will ask him to say no to the myth of "clean coal" and to costly and unsafe nuclear power. 

Call 202-456-1111 or 202-456-6213 (TTY/TDD) any time on Wednesday, January 21 after 9 a.m. and leave your message of support with the White House operators.  Ask your family and friends to call too.

CLEAN WH call-in gifThis effort is being coordinated by CLEAN (Citizens Leading for Energy Action Now) and pushed by dozens of groups like KFTC around the country. Every additional call will make our appeal a little stronger, and our voices a little louder. 

And you can let CLEAN know you called or plan to by registering your call here (the best way for us to know how many people called since we don't get that information from the White House). Be sure to click "find organization,"  scroll through the list and select KFTC while completing your signup.

Thanks for taking action!

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