Town Meeting on Healthcare Reform Next Tuesday | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Town Meeting on Healthcare Reform Next Tuesday

Janet Tucker

Dear KFTC friends,

As I imagine you are aware we have a healthcare crisis here in Kentucky and in the nation.  For that reason I have joined Kentuckians for Single Payer Health Care.  We are having a Town meeitng next Tuesday night, July 14th, here in Lexington.   I encourage you to come out and tell your friends.  People are encouraged to come and tell their stories.  Every family, every neighborhood, every organization, every church has horror stories on how our present system has devistated individuals and families.  We need to come together, tell our stories and talk about solutions.  Join us and pass the work. Event details are below.

For justice in healthcare,
Janet Tucker

Town Meeting on Healthcare Reform
Healthcare for all;
Everybody In - Nobody Out                                            Single payer logo

Tuesday July 14th
6:30 Light Refreshments
7:00 p.m. Town Hall Meeting
8:30 p.m. Adjourn for conversations with presenters

Central Christian Church
of ML King & Short

Free & open to all;
Free light refreshments, including hotdogs & cookies, will be available early.
Post our flyer:

* Panel: Reams, Dawahare, Londrigan, & Pennybacker
* Kentuckians' stories about the current healthcare system.
* Bring your story.

Kentuckians for Single Payer Health Care

Issue Area(s): 

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