| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Two Budget Votes Coming Up

KFTC hasn't taken a formal position on these two pieces of legislation, but it seems like both the Congressional House budget proposal for the rest of the year (H.R. 1) and the Kentucky Senate budget proposal (HB 305) would both fail miserably at protecting and upholding the necessary functions of our government. 

H.R. 1, introduced by Kentucky's own Rep. Hal Rogers, would cut $1 billion from community health centers, and eliminate funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the Weatherization Assistance Program, which helps low-income homeowners make their homes more energy efficient and protect against rising energy prices.  It would also weaken the EPA's budget for cleaning up Kentucky's water, opening the door wide for more mountaintop removal mines, coal ash storage ponds, and emissions of hazardous air pollutants from coal-fired power plants. 

The Kentucky Center for Economic Policy released a report on H.R. 1 that every Kentuckian should check out.  The reports cites that H.R. 1 "would reduce educational opportunity for thousands of Kentucky pre-school kids, college students, and adults needing job training; eliminate funding for the home weatherization program at a time of rising electricity prices; and cut $25 million to Kentucky in funding for clean water and drinking water projects."  There's list of cuts, line by line. 

H.R. 1 is being voted on by the U.S. Senate very soon, maybe tomorrow.  If passed, these would be the largest one-year cuts in U.S. history.  Some of our national allies are calling for calls to Senators to ask them to vote no on H.R. 1.  If you'd like to call Sen. McConnell and Sen. Paul, a toll-free number is 888-245-0215.  Letters to the editor about what you think of this proposal--and Rep. Hal Rogers' hand in in--would be helpful, as well.


The Kentucky Senate is also putting forth a budget that would make significant cuts to our state government and resources. Look at the KCEP report about the Senate proposal, too.
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