Two great new books released | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Two great new books released

Cover of We Make ChangeTwo terrific new books have been released about organizing.

The first was edited by KFTC’s founding staff member, Joe Szakos.  It is called We Make Change: Community Organizers Talk About What They Do--and Why. It contains interviews 81 organizers from around the country, including four current and former KFTC staff members.  The book is designed to give people a better understanding of what it is like to be an organizer and the variety of paths people take to become organizers.  It is available here

Cover of Tools for Radical Democracy

The second is a new book called Tools for Radical Democracy, written by Joan Minieri and Paul Getsos.  Together, they were the founders of an organization called Community Voices Heard (CVH) in New York City.  CVH is a member of the Pushback Network and a close ally of KFTC’s.  People can buy the book through this website.


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