UK Student Government Election Today | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

UK Student Government Election Today


University of Kentucky KFTC members have been applying KFTC's Voter Empowerment techniques and principles on campus to impact the Student Government Elections today and tomorrow.

"We wanted people to be able to actually vote based on where candidates stand on the issues," said Katie Goldey, a UK KFTC member and a primary organizer of the voter empowerment work around the election.

Students from across campus had input on the candidate survey questions asked, which touched on a broad range of issues from environmental justice to tuition to racial justice and diversity.

Of 44 candidates competing for 30 different positions, an incredibly high number responded to our detailed questionnaire.

From there, students organized campus tablings, presentations, chalkings, mass-emails, and other methods to drive students to the website.  As of the opening of the polls this morning, the main election site had received over 2,200 page views with that number likely to rise over the two days voting.


You can visit the website at


If you're a UK student, please research the candidates and vote today.  You can vote online at any point before 6pm Thursday or at one of the polling locations on campus from  9am-6pm on the following days and  locations:

Wednesday, March 26th
 - Classroom Bldg (1st floor)
 - WT Young Library (facing Chem/Phys)
Thursday, March 27th
 Student Center (near Starbucks)
 WT Young Library (facing Chem/Phys)


Update: ended up with over 4,600 visits by the time polls closed.
That contributed to some of the busiest days for since the site has been up.  

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