UK Voter Registration - 237 cards in one afternoon | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

UK Voter Registration - 237 cards in one afternoon

Over a four and a half hour period on UK's campus today, we registered TWO HUNDRED and THIRTY SEVEN voters.  That's almost a voter per minute for four hours and more than we've ever managed at a single afternoon event. 

We had great conversations with incoming freshmen excited about getting involved with KFTC, we reconnected with other people we'd not seen over the summer, and made a few key connections with professors and student leaders to schedule other events like class visits, meetings, and special events.

Hats off to the UK KFTC members including Watson Harding, Erin Murphy, Joe Gallenstein,  Scott Beckmeyer, Caitlin Powell,and John Ghaelian, as well as one of our Electoral Organizers - Danny Cotton.


KFTC Member Jane Jensen took some pictures of the event which we should have up within a few days.   

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