| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Update from the central Kentucky chapter

Last Wednesday evening the chapter's local local economic justice committee met and it was incredibly productive. Two of the committee members who are also graduate students at the university of Kentucky wrote up an analysis of the surveys that members collected over the previous months. Of the three communities where they did the most work the responses were pretty varied. Members heard stories about police harassment, inability to afford basic upkeep on people's homes, lack of quality public transportation, lack of access to quality education, little support from local government, poor infrastructure etc. Committee members plan to dig a little deeper and conduct another round of surveys in the Ayelsford, Ohio-Walnut and Fairlawn precincts.



Thursday evening the chapter held their annual new member meeting. Over 25 folks came out and participation was great. Attendees turned in lists of the organizing skills/issue education they'd like to learn about and the chapter will be using them to determine what trainings and workshops to offer over the next months.

 To wrap up the week the chapter held a yardsale fundraiser at Third Street Stuff coffee shop. The weather was beautiful and folks had a really great time. In addition to raising over $100 they registered two folks to vote and gained a new KFTC member.

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