Voter Empowerment Training a Powerful Start | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Voter Empowerment Training a Powerful Start


This weekend, 70 activists from Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Jobs with Justice and other allies came together in Louisville to learn skills and prepare to enact a Voter Empowerment plan to build power in Kentucky in a way that rebuilds our democracy one voter and one relationship at a time.

 Traditional election campaigns start with cold numbers and voter lists, and choose to focus on "good voters" who vote every year.  They're shortsighted, partisan, and don't usually aim to bring new people into the political process.


In contrast, our Voter Empowerment campaign is non-partisan and built on grassroots principles, is based on having real conversations and making relationships with voters - and including people who traditional politics have left behind - like young people, low-income communities, people of color, and former felons.  Election day is important to us, but we're in this for the long haul, registering, educating, and mobilizing voters up until election day, the week after, and every week after that until we collectively forge the democracy we know the people of Kentucky deserve. 

I think KFTC’s methodology of linking people feels organic. There’s less baggage - and it works. - Greg Capillo, Bowling Green

Participants in the weekend learned skills including the basics of voter registration, community tabling, canvassing neighborhoods, tools for effective conversations, how to build power in


disenfranchised communities, how to accomplish voter empowerment in rural communities, and more.

I think it’s extremely exciting. I consider myself to be an informed person and didn’t know important details like the registration deadline. I haven’t seen anything like this before and it’s great. - Katie Meyer, Lexington

When you talk to people, they tell you they want to make a change in their world - and they really do.  They just need the tools to do and we can give them that! - Janet Tucker


A major focus of KFTC's training was on the role of Community Captains, a decentralized leadership role in KFTC held by a member dedicated to contacting 10-30 voters 3 times each leading up to Election Day - to make sure they're registered, educated, mobilized to go vote.  We're intentionally trying to build a deeper connection with voters that's genuine and that spans elections and other issue work, including lobbying in the General Assembly.  Please consider becoming a Community Captain in your own community to help us hit our goal of activating 100 Community Captains by the end of the month!

Along with more traditional KFTC strategies like community tablings, door-to-door canvassing, phone banks, and special events, KFTC members aim to reach 15,000 voters three times each before Election Day.  It's a big goal, but excited members at the weekend training all seemed sure they'd be able to make it happen. 

I feel like this weekend was a real pleasure for me. It was great to be with like-minded people and to be in such a diverse group. Voter empowerment has always been really important to me, and I’ve always felt motivated. After this weekend, I feel equipped and *really* motivated to hit the ground running and talk to members of my community to make sure they vote.  - George Eklund, Bowling Green.

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For members who missed the weekend, there will be local trainings all over the state throughout the month of August and a few in early September.  For more information, please contact your local KFTC Organizer.

KFTC member Beth Bissmeyer contributed all of the pictures and quotes for this story. 
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