| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Voter Registration Deadline in 7 Days


Kentucky's Voter Registration Deadline is just one week away, on Tuesday, October 11th.  If you need to register to vote, update your address, or if you're just not sure, click here.  KFTC has a host of events throughout the state to register voters in the next 7 days, so contact your local KFTC organizer to get involved.

The election itself is just 5 weeks from today on Tuesday, November 8th.  Polls are open from 6am to 6pm.  KFTC will run large voter mobilization phonebanks and other events between now and then to get all of our members and friends out to vote.  Please contact your local KFTC organizer if you'd like to help by giving rides to the polls, calling voters, coming out to events, or through other activities.   You can even participate from home by calling friends and inviting people to vote in the election by inviting them to our Facebook event

KFTC's voter education website at www.KentuckyElection.org is live and has valuable information about all 14 candidates running in 6 statewide races.  Please visit it, check back often, and share it with friends. 

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