Voter Turnout and Voting Rights work this afternoon in Lexington | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Voter Turnout and Voting Rights work this afternoon in Lexington


Today, Central KY KFTC members and friends gathered to have their second to last phone bank of the election, mobilizing people to vote on Tuesday.

Amongst our callers were a number of former felons, many of whom don't have the right to vote themselves, but care enough about the political process to help other people vote by calling them and encouraging them to vote.

A large secondary goal of the day was to capture some of the stories of former felons including Ed West and Melinda McPherson.  John Fitzgerald came over to interview people on video and is interested in developing a video that will help get their stories out.  We'll report more on this in the next few months and will feature printed interviews from both folks on this blog in the coming weeks. 

We also distributed some of the last of our Voter Guides to folks who pledged to get them out to friends in neighbors over the next couple of days. 

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If you'd like to join us for our last Lexington voter mobilization phone bank, it's tomorrow (Monday) from 4pm to 6pm at the Maintenance Building on Transylvania University's campus, a two story brick building located at 421 N. Broadway. 

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