Voting Rights Digital Stories Project Launched | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Voting Rights Digital Stories Project Launched


The Highlander Center is working with KFTC to produce a set of digital stories, about our campaign to restore voting rights to former felons who have served their debt to society. 

The stories will mostly be in the voice of former felons themselves, telling their stories of what it is like to be excluded from our democracy in Kentucky.  The final product should be unveiled in July.

If you know a former felon or a family member of a former felon who would be good to interview as part of this process, please contact Dave Newton at [email protected]

We'll also be shooting footage of field events for the next week or so.  Below are some pictures of Restoration of Voting Rights for Former Felons field work at Douglas Park in Lexington this past weekend.  We helped many dozens of former felons to start the process of requesting a partial pardon from the Governor and over 100 signed postcards to legislators calling on them to restore voting rights to all former felons.  The below pictures were taken by William Isom II.

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