Voting Rights Gospel Fest- Singing for Democracy, Lexington | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Voting Rights Gospel Fest- Singing for Democracy, Lexington

Yesterday, about 90 folks from all over Lexington gathered at St. Peter Claver Catholic Church to hear inspirational stories and music in the name of Democracy. Community leaders, KFTC members and former felons spoke passionately about the importance of restoring the right to vote to those who have paid their debt to society.

"This obscenity is written in our Kentucky constitution,â€ KFTC member Jerry Moody told the crowd. House Bill 70, he explained, would allow the citizens of our state to decide whether to join the 48 states who automatically restore the right to vote upon completion of a felony sentence, or remain with Virginia, the only other state in our country which disenfranchises these tax-paying citizens.

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KFTC member Tayna Fogle, who planned and moderated the event, spoke from the heart about her personal experience with disenfranchisement and the far reaching impact it has on her community.

Tayna explained that in order to get her right to vote restored under Governor Fletcher, she had to pay a fee, provide three character references and write a three page essay, describing the current law as "nothing more than poll taxes.â€

"If Uncle Sam recognizes us [as tax paying citizens], then why can’t we be recognized by our own communities?â€ Tayna asked the crowd.

A gentleman stood up at one point to give his own personal story, admitting that at one point in his life he was "one of the most drug addicted people in this town.â€ However, he overcame his personal struggles, served his time and now works for the city government after earning two promotions.

"Everyone deserves the opportunity to recover,â€ said Tony Thornton, director of Beacon House Recovery Center in Louisville. "As long as we have soldiers on the battlefield like you,â€ Thornton said, referring to Tayna, "we’ll go far.â€

To put the rhetoric into action, KFTC members handed out petitions for the audience to sign urging Senator Damon Thayer to give HB 70 a hearing in the upcoming legislative session.

People were also urged to register to vote if eligible and KFTC had plenty of voter registration forms on hand to distribute. Clark Williams, leader of Operation Turnout, spoke to the crowd about the importance of getting to the polls on Nov. 2nd. 


We'll have yet another Gospel Fest next Thursday (September 30th) at 6pm at Shiloh Baptist Church.  If you missed this last one, come on out an join us next week!

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