| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Voting Rights Shout-out Today on Lexington Radio

Tayna Fogle just finished speaking about Voting Rights and the General Assembly on Key Conversations, WGVN 1580AM, in Lexington.

A lot of the focus of the conversation was on letting people know that they can influence the General Assembly by joining us in Frankfort, calling the legislative message line (1800-372-7181), or wrigint their legislators.

We also invited everyone to join us on the Voting Rights Lobby Day on March 8th. 

The program will air at 10a.m. this morning on WGVN 1580AM and will re-air next Sunday, Jan. 29th at 6 a.m.

We also got to talk to the hosts about this afternoon's rally against the insane redistricting plan at 4pm.

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