| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

We can't stop now. Help build grassroots power for 2019.

Today we kick off KFTC’s fall fundraising campaign. We're inviting everyone to support Action for Democracy.

From June through election day, I talked with voters every week as a KFTC voter empowerment organizer.

I took action for democracy because I wanted everyone to get out and vote for candidates who reflect our values and understand issues that affect us. I helped folks to not just vote, but know who and what they were voting for.

Not everything went our way in this election, but 26 candidates endorsed by KFTC’s New Power PAC won their races. We challenged old guard candidates and made them talk about our issues and our values. We supported more women and people of color candidates. And KFTC members, voters and candidates gained skills to grow our grassroots power.

We can’t stop now. We must do the year-round work of registering voters, talking about issues, and connecting those issues to voting and candidates. We must fight to give more folks the chance to vote. And we must take our grassroots power to the General Assembly, Congress and local governments.

It takes vision, people like you, and funds to do this work – to show up strong in 2019.

Will you make a gift today to start this campaign strong and support Action for Democracy?

Donate now.