We met our match! | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

We met our match!

Thanks to hundreds of KFTC members who made gifts over the past week, we met our $50,000 challenge match. In fact, we raised more than $55,000!

Meeting our challenge in this way shows the kind of participation and inclusiveness that have made KFTC what we are today. And you are such an important part of that.

In the last 24 hours of the challenge, KFTC received nearly 300 donations totaling more than $16,000. That’s pretty amazing and inspiring.

If you contributed to KFTC during the past week or any time during this fall campaign, thank you so much.

If you haven’t yet made a gift, you still have time to help us reach our annual goal of $500,000.

We’re excited and proud to have met our match. And we’re still pushing toward our larger goal. Raising $500,000 will enable us to do the work in 2016 that it takes to achieve our vision for Kentucky.

This is how we build power, by working together. 
