We're looking for members to participate in an art and activism workshop | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

We're looking for members to participate in an art and activism workshop

Sugar Tree (Deborah Payne, Amber Fields, and Megan Naseman)KFTC has been invited to nominate a set of staff and members to participate in a workshop in late April about using art and culture to advance social change. Anyone who is interested in being part of KFTC’s delegation to this event should contact [email protected] by March 19th.

The workshop will take place in Frankfort on Saturday, April 27th. Hosted by the Kentucky Foundation for Women, the day will feature case studies from artists and cultural workers who use art and cultural expression to build community and create social change. Conference organizers emphasize that the day is designed for people who understand the value of integrating art and activism, and are seeking ideas and skills to do it more effectively.

KFTC is excited about the opportunity to put together a diverse and talented group of participants for this workshop. Important criteria for selection include:

  • People who are active in their communities and in KFTC, and willing to bring what they learn back to the organization;
  • People who already incorporate art and cultural expression in their social change efforts;
  • People who can bring important perspectives and experience to the group and help ensure a diverse range of geography, age, race, gender, issue interests and forms of artistic expression;
  • People who are committed to learning, sharing and collaborating.

Anyone interested in being part of KFTC’s delegation to this workshop should send a short message to [email protected]. Please share your name, contact information, and reasons for being interested in this opportunity. KFTC’s Leadership Development Committee will help select a talented and diverse set of participants from those who apply.

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