Western Ky. Synfuel Plant hearing Monday | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Western Ky. Synfuel Plant hearing Monday

The Cash Creek Coal Gasification Plant is one of three proposed huge coal gasification projects, which would process coal into expensive ‘synthetic gas’ planned for the Owensboro-Henderson area in western Kentucky. These plants – the Cash Creek Generating Station, Peabody NewGas, and Indiana Gasification – are financially risky and would adverse impact public health.

Monday's hearing concerns the water pollution permit that the Cash Creek plant must get from the Kentucky Division of Water. The plant would require 14 million gallons of water daily, and would discharge polluted water that contains arsenic, selenium and cyanide.

The hearing will take place from 6-9 p.m. in the Henderson County Fiscal courtroom, located on the third floor of the Henderson County Courthouse, at First and Main Streets in downtown Henderson.

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