News of KFTC and our issues | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

News of KFTC and our issues

As Louisville considers boosting the minimum wage, here’s a look at how such a hike impacted Santa Fe

October 3, 2014

In early 2003, Santa Fe’s city council voted to increase the minimum wage for workers incrementally to $10.50 an hour by 2008. Media reports from this period cited the concerns of business owners critical of the increase, and the Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce even sued the city, claiming they did not have the legal authority to implement this ordinance.

Felons Getting Closer to Voting in KY

September 15, 2014

Felons won't let up on state lawmakers in Kentucky until they get the right to vote.

Appeals court dismisses coal-industry challenge to rule targeting mines with repeated violations

August 20, 2014

Federal appeals judges have dismissed a coal industry complaint challenging a rule that the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration has used in stepped-up enforcement against coal mines accused of having poor safety records and a pattern of violations.

Moment of truth for Hal Rogers, SOAR: No ignoring health effects of strip mining

August 18, 2014

No mention of surface coal mining's effect on human health appeared in U.S. Rep. Hal Rogers' electronic update on the recent SOAR Health Impact Series even though it was one of the top two concerns voiced by participants …

Study how mining may hurt health; E. Ky. right to be worried

August 11, 2014

The statistical evidence of mining-related cancer and birth defects, along with the public concern, should serve to remind us: If Eastern Kentucky is to have a future, the places where people live, work and recreate cannot be sacrificed to an industry on its way out of the region.

Kentucky Joins Lawsuit Against EPA's Proposed Carbon Regulations

August 4, 2014

Kentucky is one of 12 states that have joined a lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed greenhouse gas regulations.

EPA fracking regulations lag, including in Kentucky

July 31, 2014

A new, extensive Government Accountability Office study of the EPA’s hydraulic fracturing regulations says they need to be updated and are insufficient to ensure the safety of drinking water. To make these conclusions the GAO studied tracking practices in eight states, including Kentucky.

Beshear supporter racks up mining violations

July 31, 2014

Coal companies owned by a major political supporter of Gov. Steve Beshear are under serious scrutiny for failing to comply with basic strip-mining reclamation regulations in Kentucky and four other states.

No broad permit for Ky. coal mining; Review of individual permits adds scrutiny

July 29, 2014

Kentucky is seeking to renew its general permit for the coal industry — including mountaintop surface mines that disturb hundreds of acres, pollute streams already impaired by earlier mining and threaten aquatic life and human health.

USGS halts research on mountaintop removal’s public-health effects

July 26, 2014

Last year, the Obama administration quietly put the brakes on any new field work by the U.S. Geological Survey to gather data on the potential public-health threats posed by mountaintop removal.


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