Partnership Statement on Tax Reform Commission | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth
Release Date: 
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Press Contact: 
The Rev. Dr. Marian M. Taylor
Executive Director, Kentucky Council of Churches

Partnership Statement on Tax Reform Commission


Partnership for Kentucky’s Future

Statement on the Blue Ribbon Tax Reform Commission

The Partnership for Kentucky’s Future is a coalition of Kentucky’s labor, education, and health sectors, faith communities, and families and individuals, working together to support comprehensive tax reform that is balanced, adequate, and sustainable.

We are encouraged by the potential the governor’s Blue Ribbon Commission has to build consensus and recommend tax reforms that will rise to the five goals the governor has laid out – fairness, competitiveness, simplicity and compliance, elasticity and adequacy.

At the same time, we recognize that the Governor faces an enormous challenge in steering our commonwealth through the process of reforming our tax structure in line with these goals. To help the Commission face that challenge, we make the following recommendations:

  • We urge that the Blue Ribbon Commission include persons known for their expertise concerning each of the five goal categories, and offer a variety of opportunities for public input on how to achieve success in each of the categories.
  • We are encouraged that the first goal is to have a tax structure that is fair.  We urge that the Commission’s proposals come with a distributional analysis of how each proposal will affect Kentuckians across income levels. 
  • We urge that the Commission refine the statement of the goal of competitiveness, since business taxes are only one component of Kentucky’s business competitiveness. Our tax structure should be in the service of making Kentucky competitive -- with fair taxes, a strong education system, a healthy, skilled, and creative workforce, and a good quality of life.
  • Finally, we applaud the goal of having an adequate tax structure that will sustain a good quality of life in Kentucky through essential investments in good schools, health care, public safety, and other necessary functions of our state government.  As a coalition of organizations who represent teachers, families, and workers, and faith communities, we look forward to joining the conversation.

We hope and expect this commission will facilitate the progress that we need to move Kentucky forward—for a better today, and a better Kentucky tomorrow.


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