| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Tax Reform

Kentuckians are worth good jobs, clean air and water, and quality education. We deserve healthy, vibrant communities, where everyone contributes their fair share toward our shared goals. Kentuckians For The Commonwealth is working for a day when the lives of all our people and communities matter before the profits of a very few.

taxes buy schools... signThis Kentucky is possible, but we need to reform our state taxes.

KFTC works for comprehensive tax reform that is ...

  • FAIR.  The responsibility of paying taxes should be shared so that everyone contributes their fair share. Low and middle income Kentuckians shouldn't be asked to pay more of their income to state and local taxes than the wealthiest citizens of the state.

  • ADEQUATE. Our taxes are important investments in education, public safety, and health – services and structures that we all need.


 Our friends at the Kentucky Center for Economic Policy have written extensively about what good tax reform looks like.

 We have some work to do to get there

  • Our current tax structure disproportionately impacts lower- and middle-income Kentuckians. People who earn the least pay between 9 percent and 11 % of their income in state and local taxes, while Kentucky’s wealthiest 1% of income earners pay just over 6 percent. See the chart that shows this.

  • Our tax system has a "structural deficit," which means that until we reform it, Kentucky will never generate enough revenue to meet our current budget needs. This impacts our ability to invest in schools, clean drinking water, affordable higher education, and public health and safety.

Learn more about the problems with our current tax structure:


Here are some ways to help move Kentucky forward!

  • Over the past couple of years (2018-19), the Republican-led General Assembly gave away more than $600 million in revenue, primarily through lower taxes on the wealthy and corporations, while raising sales taxes for everyone. Yet they say they can't find money for textbooks, maintenance at state parks, fully-funded mental health services and many other critical programs. Get involved and take action on our campaign action page.
  • KFTC offers tax justice workshops to help people learn about our current tax and budget landscape and how to get involved in taking action for a better Kentucky. We'd love your help in hosting a workshop in your community! If you are involved with a faith group, community organization, school or even just a group of friends who want to sit around the kitchen table and learn more, get in touch with Jess Hays Lucas at [email protected] or 859-276-0563.
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