Resources & Publications | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Resources & Publications

Lobbying Guide for the Clean Energy Opportunity Act

Gives an overview of how to talk with legislators about the benefits Kentuckians will gain from the Clean Energy Opportunity Act.

Annual Chapter Meeting report form

Use this form to report back on the outcomes of your Annual Chapter Meeting.  

Please return this form to KFTC, 140 Mini Mall Drive, Berea, KY 40403 within 48 hours of your chapter’s annual meeting.

KFTC's Platform

This is a printable version of our organizational platform.  It is current for 2016-17

Platform process guidelines

This document will provide you with some guidelines and tips for leading a discussion on modifying KFTC's organizational platform.  

Annual Chapter Meeting agenda

This is a suggested agenda to help you plan your Annual Chapter Meeting.  This agenda will touch on all the major decisions your chapter needs to make at this meeting, but feel free to customize it to your needs.

Chapter petition form

Your chapter should use this form to indicate whether or not you intend to remain a chapter for the following year.

Leadership positions in KFTC

This document describes many of the leadership positions available for you to participate in as a member of Kentuckians For The Commonwealth.

Kentucky Coalition and Executive Committee nomination form

Use this form to nominate individuals to our Executive Committee or to the board of the Kentucky Coalition.

Raising the Bar: Kentucky's Real Budget Report

A report released by KFTC and the Kentucky Economic Justice Alliance in 2005.  Raising The Bar: Kentucky's Real Budget Report is an effort to inform and provoke public dialogue about the needs for greater investment in Kentucky's public services and future.

KFTC's "Blue Ribbon" Tax Justice Web Workshop

This webinar offers a brief overview of Kentucky's tax and budget landscape, and offers tools and resources to participate in the Blue Ribbon Tax Commission Public Input Meetings. The webinars are being offered throughout the summer, and we'd love to have you join us for some workshopping that we'll do during the webinar.  But if you miss the webinar you can find it here.
