Resources & Publications | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Resources & Publications

Application for restoration of civil rights

Former felons can fill out this form to request voting rights restoration through the Governor's executive pardoning power. 

Call-in half sheet for HB 70

Half-sheet with instructions on how to call the legislative message line in support of HB 70.  This is useful for handing out to people at tables or events.

Voting Rights petition

Use this petition to find members of your community who are supportive of the idea of restoring the right to vote for former felons.

Felon Disenfranchisement in the Commonwealth of Kentucky

This report on our felon disenfranchisement problem was issued by the League of Women Voters of Kentucky in 2006.  

How$martKY Handout

One-page handout on the How$martKY on-bill financing program for energy efficiency.

Renew East Kentucky Campaign Handout

General overview of the Renew East Kentucky campaign. One page, front and back.

Members' Bill of Rights petition example (Owen Electric)

A sample petition for those working on a Members' Bill of Rights campaign. This is the petition form used by members of the Owen Electric Cooperative here in Kentucky.

Owen Electric Cooperative Members' Bill of Rights

The Members' Bill of Rights drafted and presented to the board of directors of Owen Electric by KFTC members.

Pedernales (TX) Co-op Members' Bill of Rights

The Members' Bill of Rights passed by the board of directors of the Pedernales Electric Cooperative in Texas.

Questions for Getting Started with Co-op Reform

A series of questions for co-op members to consider where to begin getting started with co-op reform.
