Resources & Publications | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Resources & Publications

Clean Energy Opportunity Act handout

This is our fact sheet for our Clean Energy Opportunity Act legislation. It is current for the 2012 5legislative session.

Qualities of a powerful chapter

This document lists the qualities of a powerful KFTC chapter.

How to form a new KFTC chapter

This document will help guide you through the process of starting a new chapter of KFTC.

What Is A Pre-Blast Survey

Before a coal company can begin blasting, it must do a pre-blast survey of all homes within a half-mile. This document explains what a pre-blast survey is, and what to do to improve the effectiveness of the survey.

Ways to Help Enforce Mining Laws

Here's a list of things you can do to try to get the state and federal mining laws enforced. Under SMCRA, citizens have a voice in enforcing these laws. This handout helps you know your rights and options.

Sample Citizen's Complaint Letter

Use this fill-in-the-blanks complaint form if you’re having problems with a coal mine.

Pollution on the Rise

This report examines U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) data on power plant emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and nitrogen oxides (NOx) from 1995 to 2003 and finds that emissions are on the rise at many plants.

Slow Motion Spills: Coal Combustion Waste & Water in Kentucky

Every day in Kentucky, coal combustion waste ponds and landfills leak into our groundwater and rivers, seeping out a slow-motion flood of contamination. As this report shows, every site in Kentucky for which groundwater data was available appears to be leaking. Kentucky is failing to control coal combustion waste contamination.

Renew East Kentucky petition

This is a printable version of our Renew East Kentucky petition.  Use it at tabling opportunities to talk with people about their home energy use.

Restoration of Voting Rights factsheet

This fact sheet discusses proposed legislation to restore voting rights to former felons through an amendment to the Kentucky constitution.
