Resources & Publications | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Resources & Publications

Bath County Power Profile

This County Power Profile provides an visual overview of local electric utilities serving Bath County, including energy rates, base fee, and average monthly bills. It also visualizes Bath County's Electricity Energy Burden, the percentage of median household income spent on electricity. This profile was used during a Power House Workshop offered by KFTC in 2018.

2018 Budget cuts: The 70 Programs Proposed to Eliminate

In Jan 2018, Governor Bevin proposed a budget that eliminated 70 programs from the state budget. 

Analysis of KYGA18 Economic Justice Bills

A shorthand analysis of the impacts of current legislation in Kentucky on pensions, the state budget and tax reform.

2018 Economic Justice Talking Points

A set of helpful facts and messaging on the economic justice issues of public pensions, the state budget, and adequate revenue in Kentucky in 2018.

CFOC Talking Points

Talking points for why we need new revenue to fund critical public investments in KY

HJR 81 / HJR 119 Handout (2018)

Handout on Constitutional Convention for use in the 2018 General Assembly

Kentucky Forward Plan (HB 29 - 2018)

House Bill 29 will make Kentucky's tax system more fair, adequate and sustainable with a broad variety of reforms. And raise more than $570 million in new revenue annually.

Pension No SS Victory! What's Next.

We stopped the special legislative sessions on taxes ansd pensions in 2017. How do we keep winning in 2018?

Empower Kentucky Environmental Justice Analysis - Exec Summary

This Executive Summary describes the outcomes of an Environmental Justice Analysis developed by KFTC members as part of the Empower Kentucky Plan. For more information, visit

Empower Kentucky Plan

The Empower Kentucky Plan shows that a Just Transition to a clean energy economy is possible in Kentucky. Shaped with input from more than 1,200 people from Pikeville to Paducah, this plan describes ways we can produce better results in terms of jobs, health, and energy bills, and affected workers and communities - while doing our part to protect our climate.
