Resources & Publications | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Resources & Publications

Clean Energy Opportunity Act

The Clean Energy Opportunity Act is a bill in the Kentucky General Assembly that would open the door for clean energy investments in Kentucky through a Renewable and Efficiency Portfolio Standard (REPS) and feed-in tarriffs for renewable energy production.

About KySEA

The Kentucky Sustainable Energy Alliance, of which KFTC is a founding member, is a group of more than 50 members working for clean energy policy in Kentucky.

Healthier Kentuckians Through Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency

Describes, by documenting scientific studies, how transitioning to sustainable, clean energy solutions will benefit our health and well-being.

Webinar about health impacts of mountaintop mining

This slideshow was developed to help inform KFTC members and other audiences about recent studies linking poor health with proximity to large scale strip-mining.

KFTC Fact Sheet on the Health Impacts of Mountaintop Mining

This fact sheet can be downloaded and used in your local organizing and outreach efforts.

Clean Energy in Kentucky: Affordable, Achievable and Sustainable!

This handout gives an overview of what types of clean energy resources exist in Kentucky and has a map that details where renewable energy installations have already taken place in our state.

Clean Energy Opportunity Act Narrative

This paper gives a broad overview of how to make the case for the Clean Energy Opportunity Act with legislators. It provides useful graphics, facts and citations.

Kentucky Can Do It

Gives us information about how, by tapping into our clean energy resources and building on existing momentum, we can curb energy costs and get our economy back on track. Also offers several Kentucky clean energy success stories.

An Opportunity for Kentucky

What Kentucky can learn from neighboring states already gaining clean energy businesses and jobs.

The Opportunities For Distributed Renewable Energy in Kentucky Presentation

A presentation given by the lead author of the report "The Opportunities for Distributed Renewable Energy in Kentucky," Rory McIlmoil of Downstream Strategies, via webinar.
