featured | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


Election Day Tomorrow


Kentucky's big Primary Election is TOMORROW - Tuesday May 18th. Polls are open 6am to 6pm.

There's more MTR sites in Kentucky

More mountains have been decapitated and more acreage surface mined in eastern Kentucky than in other Appalachian states, new research shows.

Of the nearly 1.2 million acres that have been mined, nearly half – or 574,000 acres – are in Kentucky. This is 222,000 acres more than has been identified in West Virginia.

CKY Chili Cook Off Friendraiser!

On April 30th, the central Kentucky chapter of KFTC held a chili-cook off friendraiser. What's a friendraiser you ask? Well it's an opportunity to raise money for the organization but with a focus on giving members a chance to hang out with one another, celebrate all of our hard work, and just have a darn good time.


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