Fundraiser | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


Northern Kentucky Loves Mountains Tomorrow!

The Northern Kentucky chapter of Kentuckians For The Commonwealth is hosting it's third annual Northern Kentucky Loves Mountains at Groove Coffee House (640 Main Street, Covington, KY)  on Saturday, Nove

The Appalachian voyage ends but the journey is just beginning..

Christian Torp has been hiking the Appalachian trail since March of this year to raise awareness about the destructive practice of mountain top removal mining and to raise money for Kentuckians for the Commonwealth. These are his reflections as his voyage comes to a close.

Calling all artists and serious pie makers - Arty Pie Party

gIMG_2094We seek conscientious artists and craft folks who want to stand up for social justice in Kentucky by contributing their work for our friend- and fund-raiser: the Scott County Chapter of KFTC'S Third Annual Arty Pie Party on November 17th at 7:30 p.m.

We warmly invite you to attend and hear what we're up to. Plus we have a blast with great live gypsy music, delicious pies and spirited conversations. KFTC gives voice to thousands around the state who join together in order to improve our lives.

Jefferson County KFTC at Flea Off Market!

New  KFTC Fundraising Opportunity at The Flea Off Market...


Craft Night with Jefferson County KFTC

  Unique and handcrafted items from our members and their friends as especially welcome for our fundraising booth at the Flea Off Market on October 13th so we are hosting a craft night!  If you want to share or gain a craft skill let me know. Plans are shaping up for a craft night/potluck at the KFTC office on Oct 3rd.


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