Fundraiser | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


How to plan and implement a successful chapter fundraising event.

Want to learn how to plan and implement a good chapter fundraising event or houseparty? This is a PDF version of a webinar we hosted on this topic.

KFTC member hikes the Appalachian trail to raise awareness about mountaintop removal

Central Kentucky KFTC member Christian Torp has been hiking the Appalachian Trail since March of this year to raise awareness about the devastating practice of mountaintop removal mining and to raise money for KFTC

Metropolitan Housing Coalition Annual Meeting

***This is an ally event***

2012 MHC Annual Meeting 

"Rebuilding for Our Future" 

Tickets- $60   


Dining for Democracy!

The Northern Kentucky KFTC Chapter is proud that this Wednesday they will be the 'Charity of the Month' at Oakbrook Cafe in Burlington, Kentucky! In recognition of KFTC's work to help register and inform voters across northern Kentucky, the restaurant and bar has selected the chapter to receive 10 percent of all proceeds sold on Wednesday February 29th. 


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