Housing | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


Jefferson County Chapter Meeting

Join us for our monthly chapter meeting.  Members of the chapter's Participatory Budgeting workgroup will present the recently released People's Guide to the Budget. Following the presentation, we'll discuss ways to impact Louisville Metro's 2017/2018 budget.

Homeless & Housing Coalition Legislative Luncheon

The homeless & Housing Coalition is hosting a luncheon to discuss policies that can help eliminate the threat of homelessness in the commonwealth and fulfill the promise of safe, fair and affordable housing for all Kentuckians.

Northern Kentucky Lobby Training

Join KFTC and others as we prep members for meeting with elected officials and other decision makers by learning more about the legislative process, good guidelines to go by, practice mock lobbying moments, and more.

Smoketown Community Canvass

The Jefferson County Chapter of KFTC is hosting a community canvass to invite our neighbors to the Smoketown Community Convening on Saturday June 4, 2016, 10:00 a.m. to noon, at Coke Memorial United Methodist Church. 

Smoketown Community Canvass Dates:


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