Housing | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


Resistance Training: Grassroots Lobbying and Nonviolent Direct Action

Join the northern Kentucky chapter of KFTC and others for a training on grassroots lobbying and the principles of nonviolent direct action! 

Grassroots Lobby Training

Join Rolling Bluegrass memebers for a grassroots lobby training! You can learn how a bill becomes law, practice lobbying, and learn about upcoming actions in Frankfort!

Out of Reach: Foreclosed, displaced and evicted from My Old Kentucky Home

The struggle for fair and affordable housing is a national one, taking hold across Kentucky. It’s a challenge that Kentuckians face on many levels.

Voter Empowerment Organizer Alexa Hatcher of the Southern Kentucky chapter shared how housing issues show up in KFTC’s work for a healthy democracy.

Housing Workshop: Know Your Rights

The Scott County Public Library is putting on a workshop to help renters understand their rights, and to promote awareness about what renters can do to protect them. KFTC will be on hand to help register voters.

Power House Project Energy Efficiency Workshop: Robertson County

Eastern Kentuckians want clean and affordable energy and good local jobs. Join your friends and neighbors at the next “PowerHouse Workshop” at the Robertson County Public Library on June 5 at 6 EST, to learn strategies and skills you can use to help lower your energy bills and strengthen our local community.


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