Power Plants | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Power Plants

Renew Big Sandy

Are you a customer of Kentucky Power / American Electric Power? 

Renewable Energy Standards: State Success Stories

Produced by the Governors' Wind Energy Coalition, this report examines the experiences of states with renewable energy standards, policies that require utilities to get an increasing share of their electricity from renewable sources. The report is brief, easy to read, and compelling.

Cleaner energy means healthier commonwealth

The author of this op-ed, a retired nurse, makes the link between pollution from power plants and our health. "For decades, our legislators in Frankfort have ignored the health consequences of the commonwealth’s reliance on fossil fuels when making energy policy."

Not-so-smart ALEC: Inside the attacks on renewable energy

This report by Synapse Energy Economics examines factual errors, false assumptions, and distorted economic models used by a right-wing think tank called the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) to attack renewable energy policies in many states. 

Energy efficiency, wind and gas could replace obsolete coal plants and provide affordable, reliable electricity

As much as 18 percent of the country’s coal generating capacity should be considered for closure because the electricity it produces will be more expensive than energy from lower cost natural gas or wind power, according to a new independent analysis


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