KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


Kynect marketplace opens up on Tuesday, Help spread the word

Posted by: Cara Stewart on September 27, 2013

It's always a great time to be a Kentuckian, but thanks to Governor Beshear making the choice to accept federal money to expand Medicaid and create our own healthcare marketplace,

Series of water testing workshops successfully concludes in Letcher County

Posted by: Jessie Skaggs on September 26, 2013

LetcherCSPHThirty people from nine counties in three different states came to Appalshop in Letcher County to learn how to do basic tests of local streams, to talk about water quality issues we face in the mountains, and to learn how to get involved with work organizations from around the region are doing related to clean water.

Collecting Wild Edibles and Medicinals workshop held in Floyd County

Posted by: Jessie Skaggs on September 26, 2013

100_0400As a follow-up to the 2013 Growing Appalachia conference, members of the Big Sandy chapter and the Rowan County chapter organized a Collecting Wild Edibles and Medicinals workshop on September 8th in Floyd County.

Led by Rowan County chapter member Cody Montgomery, attendees hiked the hills around Wilson Creek and learned about the species located in our area, how to locate their habitats, specific uses for herbs, and how to prepare certain plans for personal use.

Stacy Branch residents spared while ruling appealed

Posted by: KFTC on September 24, 2013

Residents of the Stacy Branch and Lotts Creek communities in Knott and Perry counties were relieved last week when a federal judge placed a temporary halt on mining activities that involve a massiv

KFTC accepting applications to attend event with Congressman John Lewis and Rachel Maddow

Posted by: KFTC Staff on September 20, 2013

On October 15, the University of Louisville Kentucky Author Forum will present a public event featuring Congressman John Lewis and MSNBC News anchor Rachel Maddow in Louisville. 

Rep. John Lewis is Georgia’s 5th Congressional District Representative, the son of sharecroppers in Alabama, and a pillar of the civil rights movement across many decades. His story has recently been told in a new book, the graphic novel called March

KFTC is thrilled to have secured 15 seats to this event to share with our  members.  

Please use the form below if you are interested in attending. All KFTC members are welcome to apply for one of 15 available spots. Our Leadership Development Committee will have the hard and important task of selecting a diverse set of members to participate. 

To apply to attend the public event with Congressman Lewis, please fill out this form.

If you want to make your own plans to attend the event, go here.

Annual Friend-Raiser held in Madison County

Posted by: Cory Lowery on September 19, 2013

The Madison County Chapter held its annual Friend-Raiser this past weekend, drawing 75 guests to Berea’s picturesque and secluded HomeGrown Hideaways. Veteran members and prospective members alike were treated to an evening of fun and food, along with some friendly competition in the form of a silent auction.

KFTC accepting applications to attend Power Shift 2013

Posted by: KFTC Staff on September 19, 2013

More than 10,000 young people from across the country are making plans to converge in Pittsburgh October 18-21 for a conference known as Power Shift 2013. The event is being planned by and for young activists who are working to solve the climate crisis and build a clean, just and thriving economy that work for workers and young people.

KFTC is collaborating with the Kentucky Student Environmental Coalition (KSEC) to help send a large, diverse set of Kentuckians to this event.

Please use the form below if you are interested in representing KFTC at Power Shift 2013. All KFTC members are welcome to apply for one of 10 available spots. We’ll give special consideration to young people and people who live in communities directly affected by extraction and burning of fossil fuels.

Whether or not KFTC is able to directly support your participation in Power Shift, we’ll do our best to connect everyone with information about registration, transportation and lodging being organized by KSEC. To learn more about and support KSEC’s efforts to send a total of 500 Kentuckians to Power Shift 2013, you can visit www.kystudentenvironmentalcoalition.org

To apply to be part of KFTC’s delegation to Power Shift 2013, please fill out this form.

Momentum Building for Voting Rights in Kentucky

Posted by: KFTC Staff on September 18, 2013

Council Member Ford and KFTC members

Momentum is building in the campaign to restore voting rights to former felons who have served their sentence in Kentucky. And comments made this week by US Senator Rand Paul are the latest indication that proposed changes to the Kentucky Constitution could finally win approval in 2014.

For nearly 8 years, KFTC and our allies have organized, lobbied, door-knocked, rallied and prayed together in support of a constitutional amendment known as HB 70. The bill, sponsored by Rep. Jesse Crenshaw, seeks to reform Kentucky’s outdated constitution, which has barred people with felony convictions from voting since 1792. Once adopted, the measure would restore civil rights to most non-violent offenders upon completion of their full sentence.

Shelby members encourage Sen. Hornback to support voting rights

Posted by: Lisa Aug on September 16, 2013

State Senator Paul Hornback favors restoring voting rights to former felons who have served their time, but wants to make them wait two to five years after completing their sentences before being a

Madison County gears up for Friend-Raiser

Posted by: KFTC staff on September 13, 2013

The forecast is looking superb for the annual Madison County KFTC Friend-Raiser set for tomorrow, Saturday, September 14, 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. at HomeGrown Hideaways (500 Floyd Branch Rd., Berea). This free, family-friendly event will feature live music from Carla Gover, tasty food, a great silent auction, and an evening of good fun all to celebrate and support KFTC’s work. The Friend-Raiser has been the main fundraising event for the Madison County chapter in years past, and members have been working hard to make sure this year is as great as ever.


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