KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


Years later, permit given for mining in Sloans Valley

Posted by: KFTC on June 18, 2013

Residents of the Sloans Valley area of Pulaski County once again find themselves fighting to protect their homes and community after the Beshear administration granted a strip mine permit for a con

Jefferson County Annual Chapter Meeting

Posted by: Alicia Hurle and Emily Nordling on June 12, 2013

 Twenty-five members came out to this week’s Jefferson County Annual Chapter Meeting and potluck at First Unitarian Church. The meeting started off with a review of the chapter’s work over the past year:

  • Our chapter registered 1,400 people to vote during the 2012 Election and transported dozens of people to the polls in November.
  • We recruited 24 new members during the 5th Annual Louisville Loves Mountains Festival in May 2013.
  • Chapter members attended all the major lobby days in Frankfort during the 2013 General Assembly and turned out busloads of people to I Love Mountains Day.
  • We have tabled at 6 community events in Louisville since the beginning of the year. Hundreds of people have signed KFTC petitions and interest forms during these events.
  • Members have given presentations about KFTC’s work at two colleges and two churches since January.
  • Our chapter celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. We are kicking off the celebration with a Birthday Bash on Saturday, June 22nd at Tim Faulkner Gallery.


56th District Special Election in 2 weeks www.KentuckyElection.org

Posted by: Dave Newton on June 11, 2013

56th District map from the Lexington Herald-LeaderThere is a special legislative election coming up in two weeks on Tuesday, June 25th in the 56th House District, which covers Woodford County plus parts of Franklin and Fayette Counties. 

We've sent surveys out to the candidates so that we can communicate their answers out far and wide and they're now online at www.KentuckyElection.org !  There are also links to candidate sites, voting location information, and more.  So please share this link with people you know in the district.

Note that 56th District candidate Lyen Crews has not yet responded to the candidate survey.  Please feel free to contact his campaign and encourage him to respond.  We're eager to post his answers along with the other candidates' stances. 

We're also sending a mass mailing to voters in the district plus phone banks, field work and social media work to reach thousands of voters and help them cast an informed vote. 

Unfortunately, turnout is often low in special elections, but KFTC members vote and the election might be decided by just a few votes, so each one matters.  

For KFTC members and friends who live in or near the district can get involved in some of our upcoming events:

- Candidate Form - Tuesday, June 18th at Midway College at 7:00 p.m.  We need volunteers to help us pass out survey responses. 

- Phone Banks - Saturday, June 22nd from 2 p.m. – 5 p.m. and on the evening before the election on Monday, June 24th from 6 p.m. – 9 p.m.  We'll be calling from the Central Kentucky KFTC Office at 250 Plaza Dr. Lexington, KY 40503.

- Election Day Field Work - Tuesday, June 25th from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. with a base location in Versailles in order to encourage people to go to the polls, direct voters, hold signs, run a sound car, and maybe even offer folks a ride to the polls. Location and details will be announced closer to election day.

And again, please visit and share the link to www.KentuckyElection.org

Bluegrass Pipeline will cut across Kentucky

Posted by: KFTC on June 6, 2013

As many as a 18 Kentucky counties are within the possible path of a new pipeline that would carry natural gas liquids from the fracking fields of Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio to processing plants and export terminals along the Gulf Coast.

Voting Rights Updates

Posted by: Dave Newton on June 4, 2013

Voting Rights Rally.JPGWe’re continuing to advance our campaign to restore voting rights to former felons who have served their debt to society – through field work, citizen lobbying, and other actions.

Here are a few highlights from recent weeks:

-  Victory in Virginia! - In national news, the Republican Governor of Virginia Robert McDonnell took some big steps to restore voting rights to former felons by executive pardon.  The measure excludes Virginians convicted of more serious crimes including some drug related crimes (about 40% total).  It’s also not a blanket measure, so former felons still need to be identified individually to get their rights back, but it’s still a big step forward.  This most recent move leaves Kentucky arguably farther behind than any other US state in having a navigable re-enfranchisement process.   You can learn more here, here, here, and here.

Building a bright future on Pine Mountain

Posted by: Tanya Turner on June 3, 2013

KFTC_Conf_290The Letcher County chapter has worked hard over the past year to raise local visibility of their work, build collaboration with neighboring chapters, and increasingly plan and participate in local trainings and events.  With radio talk shows, newspaper ads and editorials, an increased facebook presence and more, the chapter is reaching and involving more and more people, from Blackey to Oven Fork.  Through work with the Appalachia’s Bright Future conference silent auction, the Letcher Chapter has already raised over three fourths of their annual fundraising goal! The last calendar year alone has included potlucks, water testing and citizen lobbying trainings, art raffles, voter empowerment drives, and countless appearances at fiscal court meetings to speak out for clean water and safe mining in our communities.

KFTC_Conf_368Just in the last month, Letcher County KFTC members spoke out at a Public Service Commission hearing about a Kentucky Power proposal to raise local electric rates.  They shared a message of vision, possibility and responsibility the company has to provide local ratepayers with the “least cost options” for long term, sustainable solutions. 

Do you have a Constitutional right to vote?

Posted by: Dave Newton on May 30, 2013

Stock Photo of the Consitution of the United States and Feather QuillDoes the US Constitution say that you have a right to vote?

The answer may suprise you.

While several constitutional amendments prohibit discrimination based on race, sex and age, the language aways cuts carefully around just coming out and saying that you have the right to vote.  

The 15th amendment to the constitution says the "right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."  We usually sum that up by saying that the 15th amendment gave the right to vote to African Americans, but that's not exactly the same thing. 

And we often describe the 26th amendment as granting the right to vote to 18-20 year-olds, but what is actually says is "The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age."

To put it another way, there is no explicit affirmative right to vote in the US Constitution.

Sec of State Election Meeting Schedule Finalized

Posted by: Dave Newton on May 30, 2013

100_1465Secretary of State Allison Lundergan Grimes has been conducting a series of town meetings to gather input on election laws and practices. 

The exact times and locations of the final three events are now set:

June 3rd at 12:30 p.m. CST – McCracken County:  Robert Cherry Civic Center, 2701 Park Avenue, Paducah, KY
June 6th at 12:30 p.m. EST – Jefferson County: Muhammad Ali Center, 144 N. 6th Street, Louisville, KY
June 20th at 5:30 p.m. EST – Madison County:  Madison County Extension Office, 230 Duncannon Lane, Richmond, KY

The format of the input meetings is fairly straightforward.  It's a 60 minute discussion facilitated by the Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes. There is some context at the beginning and some recognition of county clerks' office representatives. 

But mostly, the event is focused on a series of questions like "What are your thoughts about our current voter registration process?" "18 states offer online voter registration. Should we try to move in that direction?" "What is your election day experience like?" and "32 states allow early voting. Should we allow no-excuse early voting in Kentucky too?"

Euchre For Justice Success!

Posted by: Joe Gallenstein on May 30, 2013

The Northern Kentucky chapter recently held a euchre tournament at Pike Street Lounge to help raise money for the work we are doing.

Kentucky authors share their writings, benefit KFTC

Posted by: KFTC on May 24, 2013

Tona Barkley, John Harrod, David WagonerHouse party 976Kentucky writer Mary Ann Taylor-Hall hosted an "extraordinary literary event" at her home on Saturday to the great enjoyment of all present and the benefit of KFTC.

The pleasant evening with more than 50 in attendance included music, refreshment and readings by Kentucky writers Susan Starr Richards, Maurice Manning and Richard Taylor.

"We think there needs to be a strong and vibrant voice for advocacy," said Susan Starr Richards, who read an essay recounting an experience on her neighboring farm where she and husband Dick have raised horses. "KFTC advocates across a range of issues. It is essential to have their voice."


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