KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


Kentuckians arrested today now released

Posted by: Jerry Hardt on June 5, 2012

Staging a sit-in at Hal Rogers' DC office todayThe seven people who were arrested today to help expose the complicity of Rep. Hal Rogers with those who are pillaging Appalachia have now been released.

They are Carey Henson, Erika Skaggs, Stanley Sturgill, Mary Love, Kat Wallace, Tress La'Ree and Teri Blanton.

They and other members of the Kentucky delegation, along with more than 100 other residents of Central Appalachia participating in the Week in Washington to End Mountaintop Removal, are waiting for the release of others who were arrested for refusing to leave the offices of members of Congress from other states.

Members lobbying, taking action on Capitol Hill

KFTC member Stanley Sturgill
Posted by: Jerry Hardt on June 4, 2012

Seventeen KFTC members are part of a group of about 150 participating this week in the annual Week in Washington to End Mountaintop Removal, coordinated by the Alliance for Appalachia.

Members are participating in meetings with the offices of members of Congress and agencies that enforce mining and clean water laws. Tomorrow (Wednesday), they will join a rally and Day of Action organized by Appalachia Rising at the capitol.

"I'm a senior citizen and while I should be working on my bucket list and enjoying my retirement," said Harlan County member Stanley Sturgill. "But instead I'm back in Washington, D.C. again because I am so displeased with the horrific health conditions as a result of all the mountaintop removal.

Tune in, speak up! Tax reform on KY Tonight

Posted by: Jessica Hays on June 3, 2012

Dana on Kentucky TonightTonight's "Kentucky Tonight" will be about tax reform. 

The sponsor of our Kentucky Forward Revenue Plan, Rep. Jim Wayne, is among the scheduled guests.

The show is Monday, June 4 at 8:00/7:00 pm CT on KET.

KFTC Arm-Chair Seminar: How to plan successful fundraisers

Posted by: Carissa Lenfert on June 3, 2012

Want to learn how to plan and implement a good chapter fundraising event or houseparty?  Download this power point presentation from a recent Chapter Development armchair seminar and learn at your own leisure!

Carissa's FR graphic

Second Thoughts on Citizens United Decision

Posted by: Dave Newton on May 31, 2012

Stevens: Second thoughts likely in Citizens United

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - Former U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens has said he expects the court has already had second thoughts about parts of its controversial Citizens United ruling that eased restrictions on corporate spending in political campaigns.

The sharply divided court ruled that independent spending by corporations does "not give rise to corruption or the appearance of corruption." Stevens, who dissented from that 2010 decision, said that at some point the court will have to issue an opinion "explicitly crafting an exception that will create a crack in the foundation" of that ruling.

Upcoming Northern Kentucky Events!

Posted by: Joe Gallenstein on May 31, 2012

Pike Street Lounge Flyer

A week from Saturday the Northern Kentucky chapter of Kentuckians for the Commonwealth plan on holding a unique fundraiser that should have something for everybody. Whether you enjoy testing your knowledge, dance parties, costume contests, or just good drinks and good company there will something for you! 

Many voices needed to support Clean Water Act enforcement

Posted by: Jerry Hardt on May 30, 2012


gIMG_8090Right now is a critical time for Kentuckians to stand up for clean water and for honest, effective enforcement of the laws that are supposed to protect our health and environment from corporate polluters.

Please join KFTC members and other Kentuckians in telling the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to stand strong for our health and water! Governor Beshear and the Kentucky Division of Water have systematically failed to enforce the Clean Water Act. The EPA must hold the line and do its job.

American Electric Power sees the light

Posted by: Lisa Abbott on May 29, 2012


American Electric Power made big news today about what to do with its Big Sandy coal-burning power plant located in Louisa, Kentucky. 

This morning, the New York Times published a front page article about the debate over the future of that plant. By late this afternoon, AEP announced that it will scrap plans to sink about $1 billion into the pollution control equipment necessary to keep operating that plant.

2012 Primary Election "by the numbers"

Posted by: Dave Newton on May 22, 2012




GOTV in Whitesburg Office


For a primary, yesterday and the weeks leading up to it were a pretty wild ride.  Here's the day "by the numbers"

2,980,009 - Current registered Voters in Kentucky

411,947 - Ballots cast in the Primary*

13.82% - Voter Turnout*

56,236 - Ballots cast in excess of the maximum (12%) turnout predicted by the KY Secretary of State's office.*

56 - Candidates responding to our candidate survey including 13 of 18 Congressional candidates

32 - Calls to that Attorney General's election fraud hotline

196 - Voters registered by KFTC earlier this year while we were mostly focused on citizen lobbying in the General Assembly.

23,513 - Page views on KentuckyElection.org in the month leading to the primary - a record that surpasses our traffic during even the busiest general election from past years. 

17,162 - Voter Guides distributed through mail or at community events in recent weeks. 

1.7 million - Times our voter mobilization advertisement was shown on Facebook to Kentuckians

5,200 - estimated number of KFTC voter mobilization calls to members and friends conducted at phone banks across the state. 

* Based on Unofficial State Board Results

Of course these numbers are skewed towards things that are easy to count and quantify.   There have been so many intangible, powerful results to our work in this primary that aren't nearly so easy enumerate - like leadership development, conversations with neighbors, the power of a former felon telling their story for the first time or a student casting their first ballot. 

It was a tough primary to organize around - with low turnout and a maze of many hundreds of candidates and different election protocols across the state, but KFTC members did a great job!

This election we did an especially good job of integrating strategies and campaigns with our voter work - scheduling events to hit multiple kinds of goals, and leveraging our electoral work more directly to win campaigns.

For all of the results tangible and intangible, thank you to those who made it all possible!


*Numbers updated on June 1st to reflect more complete election results from the State Board of Elections. 

Help decide the future of Kentucky's tax system

Posted by: Erik Hungerbuhler on May 21, 2012

Last Chance sign.jpgKentuckians deserve investments in good jobs, clean air and water, quality educations, and healthy, vibrant communities. This Kentucky is possible, but we need to reform our state tax system.

And this summer may well be our best opportunity in the last decade to push forward tax reforms that improve our quality of life. Right now, Kentucky's Blue Ribbon Commission on Tax Reform is getting ready to hold Public Meetings across the state. Everyday Kentuckians are invited to share their best ideas about needed state tax reforms--ideas that will shape the Commission's recommendations for the 2013 General Assembly. The first of these meetings is in Paducah on May 29.


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